A solenoid commutator allows the performance of interlocking sequences where an electrical signal reaches the coil (the client determines its voltage), which starts working after being activated through the commutator. As a consequence, the key can be released from the commutator and the auxiliary contacts of the device are activated.

The commutator in this device makes one of the keys to stay continuously trapped. The cylinder in lock B can block a switch, disconnector, pole or any other item that must not be manipulated.

When key B is turned, key A can be turned at 90º. When turning the key, the contacts in the commutator are activated, the key gets trapped and the device is disconnected — it is not possible to operate it or release the key while there is no electrical signal. When the device (Ref. CS701) receives it again and the trigger is activated, the coil starts working. This allows the extraction of the key and the activation of the contacts in the commutator.

Key A cannot be released until key B is trapped.

Pdf Specifications

Pdf Design

